Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Resolved Question: How can SSRI's cause dry mouth when they don't affect the acetylcholine receptor?

Resolved Question: How can SSRI's cause dry mouth when they don't affect the acetylcholine receptor?
Some have a mild affinity. Citalopram has no effect on the receptor, yet like all ssri's it lists dry mouth as a side effect, claiming 20% of users report it.
Resolved Question: Why do i get pins and needles and dizzy spells?
I thought it was side effects from lowering my citalopram but it has been going on for a while now, wondered if...
Resolved Question: I am going to start taking Citalopram (Celexa) tomorrow for depression, How can I expect to feel?
...ll be on 20mg of Celexa. How can I expect to feel in general? Side effects? Successful results?

ramipril side effects  signs of depression in women  symptoms of depression in women

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